I am now open to school visits, both virtual and in person.

Click download below to fill out the School Visit form.


Simple Story Time (Virtual)
Read-aloud of THERE GOES PATTI MCGEE: The Story of the First Women’s National Skateboard Champion followed by Q&A.

  • All grades

  • 20 minutes

  • FREE

Large Group Presentations (45-55 minutes)
For multiple classrooms grouped by age range (K-2, 3-5). This presentation will focus on Skateboard history, including skateboards and skateboard tricks, how I came up with the idea for THERE GOES PATTI MCGEE and how students can write their own stories.

  • Cost: $500

Girl Scout Patch
Following a structured format, talk with girls about the importance of exercise, yet having fun at the same time. Guide them through the steps they need to take in order to earn the patch. Show some videos of tricks they can learn. Provide the troop leader with one copy of THERE GOES PATTI MCGEE, with the option to buy more at a discounted price. Provide a patch for each girl that completes the steps. 

  • Grades 4-6

  • 45 minutes plus a short meeting at a later date to present them with their patch

  • $150

Small Group Workshops (45-55 minutes)
This presentation will be partly interactive. We will look at what makes a good story and come up with story ideas together. Students will be given some time to write and then we will share and discuss.

  • Cost: $500